Community Change Initiatives
We are working to establish and support sustainable change in communities through the understanding of the Three Principles of Innate Health. Here you’ll find stories of change and inspiration. We’d love to know what you are doing in your community.
Modello was a Federal housing project in South Dade County below Miami, Florida. Modello was for Janet Reno, then State Attorney for Dade County, a real “thorn in her side.” At the end of the three-year project, the transformations among many of the residents were dramatic.
Des Moines, IA
One person with an understanding of the Principles doing her job in a new city has turned into arguably one of the most successful integrations of the Three Principles in all aspects of a community from the school system, to the hospital system, to the prisons and the youth justice system. Learn about how it all started and how it continues on today.
Chicago, IL
One Solution is working in Chicago and creating a city-wide initiative to transform Chicago into a safe, thriving community by combatting violence and the other destructive social issues associated with it at the source. One Solution provides an educational intervention to raise the mental immune system of Chicago by catalyzing new thinking. Rebels for Peace is a youth-led initiative to rebel against the current thinking and mindsets that are the source of violence in Chicago.
Charlotte, NC
In the Thomasboro community of Charlotte, the Principles were shared with parents, teachers, and administrators and in school grades from Pre-K through 8th. In Independence Place of Charlotte, (a housing development for Veterans and low-income individuals) Thriving vs Surviving Program was provided for local Veterans. As part of the Community Resiliency Project, the Lakewood Community in Charlotte was revitalized both physically with clean-up of local parks and houses and emotionally by reconnecting neighbors.
Sarasota, FL
The Women’s Resource Center works with the Sarasota Housing Authority to provide useful mentoring for residents and their families. Judith Sedgeman, with Helen Neal-Ali from Tampa (also a 3P practitioner), offers 3P-based programs for this group.
Dr. Sedgeman offers quarterly “Rediscover Joy” groups at the Sarasota Women’s Resource Center, as well.
Oakland, CA
With funding from the San Francisco Foundation, the East Bay Project was created to train volunteers on how to introduce the Principles into the community through their current roles as volunteers in local organizations.
Greenville, MS
In Greenville, Mississippi (Delta Area), CSC facilitators went into a housing project to introduce the three Principles to a population that had difficulty seeing their own wellbeing and empowered them to make changes.
Bradenton, FL
The Women’s Resource Center, with Dr. Judith Sedgeman, instituted a Three Principles based Veterans Program for the BRAVE (Benefits, Resources and Veterans Education) program with Goodwill Industries Manasota.
With the 12th Judicial Circuit Court,Dr. Judith Sedgeman started one of the first Three Principles based Veterans Court options.These groups are supported by the 12th Judicial Circuit, the Women’s Resource Center, and the non-profit SRQ Vets.
Morgantown, WV
At West Virginia University, CSC partnered with Dr. Judith Sedgeman, a WVU Adjunct Professor to create four Three Principles based courses rigorous enough for International Learning Units. Annie Poole, BA HONS from the United Kingdom developed the fourth course in the series with Dr. Sedgeman.
Hartford, CT
In Hartford, Connecticut, CSC Facilitators shared the Three Principles understanding with students, teachers & parents of a local high school.
Wilmington, NC
CSC assisted Christie Binzen, along with two others and volunteer students form UNC-Wilmington to create a program, “An Inside Job”, in partnership with an afterschool program for middle-school students in the Maides Park area of Wilmington, North Carolina.
San Rafael, CA
In San Rafael, California at the Community Institute of Psychotherapy, CSC Facilitators trained CIP interns in two middle schools to share the understanding with our youth through their adult mentors.
San Jose, CA
The transformation ‘Poko Way’ in San Jose, California.
Northern, UK
In the Northern UK, CSC partnered with 3P True North to provide technical assistance that allowed for an Onsite and Virtual Retreat open to the public.
In Texas, CSC worked with Virgil Wood, an associate of Martin Luther King Jr. to share the Principles with a male African-American organization to understand the impact of the Principles in a specific population and tailor future trainings based on that information.