VIRTUAL Launch Party
We were on Zoom for 12 hours on Sunday May 20th celebrating what’s new with Center for Sustainable Change as we officially launched our new community website, programs and services!
- We had a record number of people attend throughout the day! Lots of attendees popped in and out, while many stayed the entire 12 hours!
- We were joined by special guests Bill & Linda Pettit, Joe Bailey, Judy Sedgeman, Christine Heath, Annika Hurwitt, Elese Coit, Jeanne Catherine, Mads Qwist, Julian Freeman, Amir Karkouti, Richard Mayer, Dianne McMillan, Debbie Trent, Helen Neal-Ali, Ami Chen Mills and Dave & Chini Nichols. Many of them shared their What I Know for Sure stories about what they have seen themselves since being exposed to the principles. Those recordings will be available soon!
- We announced Helen Neal-Ali joining the CSC team as our new Social Proof Project Coordinator! She will be collecting social evidence and real life stories of where the Three Principles are being shared, and the experiential results. More info on this exciting project in the coming weeks!
- We gave away a coaching session with a Supercoach every hour for those who attended live! See the Winners!
- We gave away coaching sessions from Judy Sedgeman, Michael Neill, Linda Pettit, Jack Pransky and Bill Pettit, who donated his time live during the party! See the Winners!
- We released new What I Know for Sure videos throughout the day from Dicken Bettinger, Jack Pransky, Molly Gordon, Phil Hathaway, Patty Tanji, Robert Lilly, Helena Roth, Julie Gray, Rich Wilson, and Rolf Evenson!
- We ran multiple social media contests where we gave away copies of Elsie Spittle’s latest book, recordings from both last year’s live Awesome Event in Charlottesville, Virginia and our 5-Day Transforming Community from the Inside-Out Telesummit, a membership to Michael Neil’s Inner Circle, and a spot on Michael Neill’s upcoming Advanced Course! See the Winners!
- We ran a Website Treasure Hunt where we gave away sets of 3P books throughout the day to attendees that searched the new website for answers to questions! This contest has been extended through May 31st! You can still win a set of books by answering the questions below!
- It was a beautiful time and we’d like to thank everyone that connected, supported, donated time, prizes, love, and cheered us on. It was appreciated more than you know.
The CSC staff rocked the day! The love from our special guests and participants was contagious. I’m so glad I was able to party with all of you! A big thanks you to all!!
– Mary Martin
A huge congratulations to CSC especially Terri (and the lovely website master, Joe) for the launch day. I thought the launch party flowed all day long. It was like being at a special reception and it was easy to tune in and out without disturbing the flow. There were many opportunities for insights and sharing – right where we are. Loved the variety of speakers and meeting new faces in the virtual. Seeing longer term virtual friends too! It felt so fresh and had gravitas. Thank you so much for a beautiful party. Much love to you. – Anni Poole
So happy that your launch turned out so successfully. You are all serious troopers for getting through a 12-hour nonstop day! – Jonelle Simms
I truly enjoyed the time I was able to be on. I am so grateful to you and to the entire team at CSC. I love that you give people the ability to increase their understanding of the principles on a deeper level without it costing so much that they cannot afford it. – Pam Hall
The meeting was incredible. I kept watching you keep the conversation going for hours and I don’t know how you did it. I don’t think I could. Love and hugs to you and everyone who made yesterday possible. – Gretchen Blais
What a great initiative, we are happy that we can be a part of it. Yesterday we attended for one hour in the evening, what a beautiful feeling it was. Love from Sweden – Kenny & Gunilla Engelbrektsson
I’ve been getting clear guidance lately to follow my heart instead of just my head and the emphasis on love recently is both inspiring and validating. Like you, I want to be in the spreading love business. I don’t really care what that looks like. It could look like formally teaching the 3Ps, doing coaching, workshops, and seminars. It could also look like drawing on my 25+ years of experience in information technology consulting, only I won’t just be solving technical problems or creating technical solutions, I’ll be spreading love. Thank you so much! – Robert Lilly
Love, love the website! The feel, the flow and graphics are clean and inviting, congratulations. I was able to briefly stop in the CSC launch marathon. Great stuff! You have my love and admiration. Congratulations of a fantastic launch and thanks for all you do! – Brian O’Malley
I loved what you did yesterday. It was so interesting to have Debbie before me and Amir after. Everyone speaks differently. Isn’t that amazing? And the revolving audience was great to see too. I certainly met some new people… So the party was really a great idea – well done you! I’m guessing it gives you some fantastic resources for the new site too. Nice!
– Julian Freeman
Terri, you are a gift! Twelve hours into your genius idea Zoom Party you were as sparkly and buoyant as those balloons over your shoulder. Thank you for bringing us all together in a beautiful heartfelt celebration. And thanks to everyone behind the scenes who helped bring it to life! – Linda Pritcher
You did an outstanding job on Sunday!! And you made it look so easy!!! You are one of the best ambassadors for the Principles I know, and I really really appreciate you! – Mary Martin
What a wonderful 12 hours I’ve just spent listening in to all these wonderful guests. Terri and Charlotte you have been amazing!! – Carina Loweth
Thank you very much for yesterday’s party. Even the snippets I was able to catch were a real shot in the arm. It’s so lovely to be part of this community. – Katie Allan
My dear friend, you were a ROCK STAR yesterday!! I could not believe your joyous, laughing manner as the hours went on and on for your 12 hour call! It was THE coolest thing since sliced bread (as my Gramma used to say!) and I’m sure you cemented some life long relationships by connecting people like this! I’ve got several new people I just love! Gretchen stole my heart, Tony cracks me UP, so nice to talk with Judy and Christine again, loved seeing Dave and his sweetheart, and on and on. BUT you were truly the Master Blaster facilitator of the day! It was GREAT! Thank you So much! I hope you are resting, reflecting, laughing and enjoying your day! Again, what a wonderful day! – Diane McMillen
The live launch party is over, but you can still party with us on social media!
Some of the many branded images created by our team that were posted on social media during the party!
8am - 9am ET
Welcome: Terri Alamo
Guest: Judy Sedgeman
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Helena Roth
Social Media Contest #1
What I Know for Sure Video Release: Helena Roth
9am - 10am ET
Guest: Annika Hurwitt
Guest: Debbie Trent
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Imogen Caterer
What I Know for Sure Video Release: Jack Pransky
Website Treasure Hunt Hints (9:15 & 9:45)
10am - 11am ET
Guest: Julian Freeman
Guest: Amir Karkouti
Live drawing for Coaching Session
with Kenny Engelbreksson
Social Media Contest #2
What I Know for Sure Video Release: Dicken Bettinger
Website Treasure Hunt Hints (10:15 & 10:45)
11am - 12am ET
Guest: Joe Bailey
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Patrik Rowinski
What I Know for Sure Video Release: Julie Gray
Website Treasure Hunt Hints (11:15 & 11:45)
12pm - 1pm ET
Guest: Mads Qwist
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Mads Qwist
Social Media Contest #3
What I Know for Sure Video Release: Molly Gordon
Website Treasure Hunt Hints (12:15 & 12:45)
1pm - 2pm ET
Guest: Bill Pettit
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Gunilla Engelbrektsson
Community Video Release: Bryan Johnson on Recovery
Website Treasure Hunt Hints (1:15 & 1:45)
2pm - 3pm ET
Guest: Linda Pettit
Guest: Helen Neal-Ali
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Melanee Evans
Special Announcement (Helen Neal-Ali joins CSC!)
Social Media Contest #4
What I Know for Sure Video Release: Phil Hathaway
Special Announcement (Helen Neal-Ali joins CSC!)
3pm - 4pm ET
Guest: Elese Coit
Guest: Jeanne Catherine
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Caroline Frenette
What I Know for Sure Video Release: Patty Tanji
Website Treasure Hunt Hints (3:15 & 3:45)
4pm - 5pm ET
Guest: Richard Mayer
Guest: Diane McMillen
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Neeta O'Keefe
Social Media Contest #5
What I Know for Sure Video Release: Robert Lilly
Last Chance: Website Treasure Hunt Contest
5pm - 6pm ET
Guest: Dave Nichols
Treasure Hunt Winners
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Sacha Ivis
Website Treasure Hunt Winners
6pm - 7pm ET
Guest: Christine Heath
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Phil Hathaway
Social Media Contest Winners
What I Know for Sure Video Release: Rolf Evenson
Last Chance: Grand Prize Eligiblity
7pm - 8pm ET
Guest: Ami Chen Mills-Naim
Live Drawing for Coaching Session
with Jonelle Simms
Grand Prize Winners
Wrapping Up the Day
Grand Prize Winners
Wrap Up
Grand Prizes

Erika Cleveland and Chris Davis won a free coaching session with Judy Sedgeman!
Lee Vogel won a free coaching session with Michael Neill!
William Hutcherson won a free coaching session with Linda Pettit!
Tania Berlow won a free coaching session with Jack Pransky!
Also, Catherine Anness won a free coaching session with Bill Pettit, who donated his session live during the party! Thank you Bill! We hope you had a great time!
Winners were chosen from the list of members that joined our Directory of Changemakers and filled out their profile with a photo, bio and interest areas by 7pm ET on May 20th. Qualifying profiles were entered into a spreadsheet and the winners for each draw were chosen using a randomizer tool.

Coaching Sessions

3P Supercoaches from around the world have generously donated their time as prizes. We gave away a 60 minute coaching session every single hour from each of the following practitioners:
Melanie Evans, Jonelle Simms, Mads Qwist, Caroline Frenette, Neeta O’Keeffe, Sacha Ivis, Patrik Rowinski, Phil Hathaway, Kenny Engelbrektsson, Gunilla Engelbrektsson, Helena Roth, and Imogen Caterer! Thank you all so much!

Robert Lilly won a coaching session from Supercoach Helena Roth!
Juliet Eyeions won a coaching session from Supercoach Imogen Caterer!
Carina Loweth won a coaching session from Supercoach Kenny Engelbrektsson!
Liliana Bellini won a coaching session from Supercoach Patrik Rowinski!
Tania Elfersy won a coaching session from Supercoach Gunilla Engelbrektsson!
Michelle Jacob won a coaching session from Supercoach Mads Qwist!
Gavin Underwood won a coaching session from Supercoach Melanee Evans!
Promila won a coaching session from Supercoach Caroline Frenette!
Rick Turner won a coaching session from Supercoach Neeta O’Keeffe!
Louise O’Dalaigh won a coaching session from Supercoach Sacha Ivis!
Linda Pritcher won a coaching session from Supercoach Phil Hathaway!
Steve Fullerton won a coaching session from Supercoach Jonelle Simms!
Winners were chosen live every hour during the launch party from those who were present at the time of drawing. We rolled dice to get a random number, then chose winners by counting the individuals on the Zoom screen!

Website Treasure Hunt

Special thank you to those who donated books.
Participants answered these questions for a chance to one (1) of multiple sets of books!
All answers can be found on the new website.
We posted 12 hints throughout the day on Twitter! Look for posts with this image:
- Audre Grice
- Tania Berlow
- Robert Lilly
- Chris Davis
- Carina Loweth
- Rick Turner
- Chanchana Sornsoontorn
- Trivia Question #1
Who is the Chief Financial Officer for Center for Sustainable Change?
- Trivia Question #2
What Happens Every Thursday at Noon ET?
- Trivia Question #3
Who do the first two Bloom Where You Are Planted Videos feature?
- Trivia Question #4
What does BRAVE stand for on our Reach Page?
- Trivia Question #5
Which three schools listed on the site are introducing the Three Principles Understanding?
- Trivia Question #6
How many cities in Australia have local meetup/gatherings that we know of?
- Trivia Question #7
What is Step #8 in our How to Create a Problem Out of Nothing in 10 Easy Steps Video?
- Trivia Question #8
What is our PO Box number?
- Trivia Question #9
How many Recordings does the 2018 Transforming Community From the Inside Out Telesummit Package Include?
- Trivia Question #10
What two speakers at The Awesome Event appeared Virtually?
- Trivia Question #11
How many Community Discussion Groups are we starting the new site with?
- Trivia Question #12
Who is the guy to call about sponsoring one of our programs or projects?
- The Missing Link by Sydney Banks
- Modello by Jack Pransky
- Coming Home by Sue Pettit
- Dear Liza by Sydney Banks
- The Enlightened Gardener by Sydney Banks
- The Inside-Out Revolution by Michael Neill
- The Relationship Handbook by George Pransky
- The Serenity Principle by Joe Bailey
- State of Mind in the Classroom by Ami Chen Mills-Naim and Roger Mills
- Paradigm Shift by Jack Pransky
- Quest of the Pearl by Sydney Banks
- The Enlightened Gardener Revisited by Sydney Banks
- 101 New Pairs of Glasses by Elese Coit
- Somebody Should Have Told Us by Jack Pransky
- Parenting from the Heart by Jack Pransky
- The Spark Inside by By Ami Chen Mills-Naim

Virtual Goodie Bag

Everyone who joined us for our launch party got a virtual goodie bag full of downloadable ebooks, audio recordings, discount coupons, and more! This has been extended beyond Launch Day! To get your virtual goodie bag, become a Login to or Join (it’s free!) our new Changemaker directory. The virtual bag with the following goodies are on your Dashboard right now!
- Right Now audio book, donated by Steve Chandler
- OK Forever eBook, donated by Helen Neal-Ali
- A‐Dult to B‐Dult Conversion Manual, donated by Jeffrey Alan
- Insights eBook by Supercoach Academy 2014, donated by Michael Neill
- 50% Discount Code: The Awesome Event Recordings
- 50% Discount Code: Transforming Community from the Inside-Out 2018 Telesummit Recording
Love what we’re doing here at Center for Sustainable Change?
Help us honor the vision and work of our co-founders, Ami Chen Mills-Naim and the late Dr. Roger Mills by continuing to bring this understanding into communities, schools, and organizations around the world! There are many ways you can help…
Follow Center for Sustainable Change on social media! Liking, sharing and commenting on our posts helps us tremendously!
Everyone who donated time, content and incredible prizes for us to giveaway, including: Judy Sedgeman, Bill & Linda Pettit, Jack Pransky, Michael Neill, Steve Chandler, Melanie Evans, Jonelle Simms, Mads Qwist, Caroline Frenette, Neeta O’Keefe, Sacha Ivis, Patrik Rowinski, Phil Hathaway, Kenny Engelbrektsson, Gunilla Engelbrektsson, Helena Roth, Imogen Caterer and Clytee Mills. Scheduled guests on launch day: Bill Pettit, Linda Pettit, Annika Hurwitt, Joe Bailey, Mads Qwist, Elese Coit, Richard Mayer, Jeanne Catherine, Christine Heath, Amir Karkouti. People that have created videos for us: Molly Gordon, Dicken Bettinger, Rolf Evenson, Jonelle Simms, Patty Tanji, Rich Wilson, Helena Roth, Jack Pransky, Phil Hathaway, Bryan Johnson, and more!
Your support as we move forward with Center for Sustainable Change is greatly appreciated!
– Sydney Banks
Social Media Giveaways
Yongzho Zhang won a free 1-year membership to Michael Neill’s Inner Circle
This contest was open to anyone that shared our official launch party info page ( on their social media and used the #csclaunchparty hashtag before 6pm on Launch Party day! Our team performed a hashtag search. People that shared were entered into a random drawing.
Chanchana Sornsoontorn & Carina Loweth won the full set of recordings from the 2018 Transforming Community from the Inside Out; our 5th annual 5-day Telesummit that took place earlier this year!
This contest was open to anyone that followed us on Instagram! Everyone that followed our new Instagram account by 6pm on Launch Party day were entered into a random drawing. All attendees also received a 50% off coupon for these recordings in their virtual goodie bag. If you missed out, you can still get a virtual goodie bag by joining our Changemaker directory.
Risa Rae Ramji won a spot on Michael Neill’s Advanced Course beginning July 2018!
We asked people to post their favorite Syd Banks quote on our Awakening Community Facebook Group! Everyone that posted a quote by 6pm on Launch Party day were entered into a random drawing.
Catherine Anness-Antle & Linda Pritcher won a copy of Elsie Spittle’s latest book, The Path to Contentment!
We asked people to like the Center for Sustainable Change Facebook Page and reply to the What is your favorite Three Principles Book? post! Everyone that replied by 6pm on Launch Party day were entered into a random drawing.
Carina Loweth & Pam Hall won the full set of recordings from The Awesome Event; the 3-day live event put on by Divine Play and Center for Sustainable Change in Charlottesville, Virginia in October 2017!
We asked people to like the Center for Sustainable Change Facebook Page and thank the person that introduced them to the Three Principles. Everyone that replied by 6pm on Launch Party day were entered into a random drawing. All attendees also received a 50% off coupon for these recordings in their virtual goodie bag. If you missed out, you can still get a virtual goodie bag by joining our Changemaker directory.